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Physicians Trained In The "Injury Model" To:
  • Reverse And Prevent Low Settlement Valuations In Injury Claims
  • Provide Independent Medical Validations (IMV) to Overcome Inept Independent Medical Examinations (IME)
  • Perform Impairment Ratings By Attending Physician - 1-3 Body Parts at Discharge
  • Prevent Claimant and Primary Care Provider Attacks
  • Utilize the proprietary Zeusclaim Injury Software to Counter Colossus
  • Collaborate with a 3rd party physician to share bright information to minimize insurance companies "Loss Probabilities."
Our physicians follow precedents and authorities set by judicial decisions and administrative legal findings & rulings to eliminate disputes, denials and undervaluations.


Saturday: 9:00 – 6:30 PM


  1. Zeusclaim Tutorial 
  2. 1191M Injury Model Level Examination Tutorial
  3. Zeus Decision Support System (DSS) Tutorial 
  4. How to Perform an IMV to Over-ride IME
  5. Authority Process To Win The Greater Weight Of The Evidence Challenges
  6. Accident “Injury Severity Types” And “Trauma Lines” 
  7. “Injury Severity Types” Case Settlement Reserves and Set-Aside Valuations
  8. 7 Concomitant “Injury Thresholds” that accompany hyper-flexion/extension Impacts


Become A Master Investigative Diagnostician over Competitors Commanding Attorney’s Respect & Referrals. 


Explanation of how to use Zeus to auto diagnose, assign impairment ratings  & document "Injury Severity Types" and "Trauma Lines" so the attorney can get paid the full "set-aside" case settlement reserve valuation and prevent getting low-balled: 


Tutorial on how to use Zeus to make up to 600 medical decisions to assist you to diagnosis the full spectrum of Injury Severity Types & Trauma Lines. With this enhanced core competence leading to increased case valuation, you will become the most sought after medical representative in your community.  


You Will Be The One Assisting Attorneys In Obtaining Higher Evaluations With These Injury Severity Types:


  1. AOMSI: Missed 65% of the time, this diagnosis carries a $66,000 Case Settlement Reserve. Zeus will auto populate the newly required TABLE format listing the; AMA Guide Edition, Chapter, Table, Page and Formula to compel the insurance company to pay at-or-near the reserve. You won't find this anywhere else! Lawyers will refer to you just for this.
  2.  MTBI's: Zeus will auto diagnose between Cerebral Contusion and the 4 different types of MTBI's that occur 95% of the time in low speed collisions and produce the preponderance of the evidence-based data to avoid disputes.
  3. Uncinate Process Fractures: This overlooked injury occurs when the head is turned during impact and is missed 95% of the time. Learn how to be the one in your medical community who is diagnosing this injury that occurs even at low speeds. Lawyers won't believe you find this high settlement reserve injury.
  4. Cervical Chain Ganglia Injury: An incredible number of symptoms have gone unexplained until you diagnose this injury. The 4 chain ganglia lay anterior within the 7 neck muscles. Zeus will assist you to detect when the ganglia are damaged during hyper-extension. Insurer's recognize and pay for these injury types when diagnosed.


  1. PTSD's: Zeus will auto-diagnose between 4 types of accident related PTSD as auto accidents have now replaced post-war stress as the leading cause of PTSD.
  2. Veterbrobasilar Insufficiency: Upon extension and rotation of the head during impact, crimping of the vertebral artery can occur adding valuation to the case. Zeus uncovers the hidden symptoms and assists you in the diagnosis. 
  3. Muscle Fatty Infiltrate: When there is AOMSI, there is muscle tissue damage to the neck muscles represented by morphological changes to the muscle cells seen on MRI.
  • Anatomical Features of & Injuries to the Cervical Spine & Ligaments
  • Functional Losses Accompanying Capsular Ligament Laxity in AOMSI
  • Chronic Neck Pain and Cervical Instability Associated With AOMSI 
  • AMA Guidelines to establish the Preponderance of Evidence-Based Data
  • Whole Person Impairment Rating  
  • DRE & DBI Categories
  • How To Make A Prognosis and MMI  For Each Individual Body Part Involved
  • Diagnosing Stable  VS Static Injuries
  • Prescribing Future Care Requirements of Stable Injuries
  • Understanding Current AOMSI Treatment Efficacy 
  • Patient Education About The Major Injury Severity Types
  • Attorney Education About The Major Injury Severity Types
  • AOMSI Documentation, References  & Exhibits for Attorney to Submit
  • Litigation Overview To Overcoming Low Valuation Obstacles
  • Establishing The Preponderance of Evidence
  • Eliminating Varying Medical Opinions 
  • Winning the Greater Weight Arguments
  • Validating Medical Determinations and Findings
  • Legal Representation Exhibits, References & Evidentiary Burdens Of Proof Of Injury
  • Producing A Report Following Court Authorities To Eliminate Disputes
  • Zeus Demand Formulator Software Available For Use By Attorneys





One method of niche marketing occurs as we inform attorneys that the insurance companies have set-aside a case settlement reserve of $66,000.00 for AOMSI and that half of the attorneys’ very own clients have been misdiagnosed; until they will refer to you - “Expert”.  [Attorneys do not like to lose money]! 

The first goal is to continually educate patients and attorneys of your new enhanced core competence and make your new services known within your medical-legal community. That is what we excel at doing for our members.

This seminar begins with enhancing your clinical core competence. You will receive certification in the 7 overlooked “Injury Severity Types”, training on the 1191M Injury Model Exam and introduction to the Zeusclaim online medical bodily injury record system based on the Injury Model Exam.  This is just one part of the process of using enhanced core competency to re- position you as the expert above your rivals. 

Our Business Marketing program is a coordinated, thoughtfully designed set of the most effective activities with objectives to stretch your “Reach” and “Frequency” in your medical-legal community based on strategic branding , expansion and development goals. This is not available anywhere else.



  • Create And Position You As The Brand
  • Educate & Promote Your Enhanced Core Competence
  • Drive Brand Awareness To You




Enhancing existing attorney relationships and establishing new relationships  lies at the core of our attorney referral and management program.

Educating attorneys about your Unique Value Proposition and new core competencies is something that needs to be executed on a consistent, weekly basis and chiropractors are busy as clinical technicians and just don’t have the resources to allocate to outbound marketing programs, or you would be doing it. 

We target the plaintiff’s attorneys in your community that are the best referral sources for you, call them; get their opted-in permission to send them our weekly e-Bulletin and mailers, invite them to meetings and offer CLE Credits. We deploy an award winning electronic e-Bulletin from your URL address that is averaging a 20% open rate which is an industry phenomenon. We receive an analytics report showing which attorney’s open, phone them and successfully set up meetings, build relationships and enhance referrals. We do this on a weekly basis to establish consistent, predictable referrals. It only takes a few attorneys to consistently refer to you to create the highest ROI of your career. Attorneys will save time, eliminate disputes and receive enhanced valuations when they work with you, causing them to shift brands and refer to you over your rivals

Our strategic branding campaign includes distribution of monthly Press Releases to both your local newspapers and respective County Bar Association editors. We write and submit articles to your County Bar on your behalf to educate your local attorneys of your core competence and unique value propositions over competitors until you receive results. 

The outflow to contact your area attorneys doesn’t stop and the education doesn’t end. Our programs remain a force promoting you in your legal community on a consistent basis. Attorneys want the best and they will discover your new core competence, the benefits you offer over others and how it helps them so they refer to you over competitors.




In Today’s Competitive Environment, The Goal Is Not To Sell. The Goal Is To Create Public Relations.


Here Is The Difference Between The Various Types Of Advertising.


Advertising: Sales

Marketing: Attracting attention to yourself and making your services known

Public Relations: Creating a favorable relationship with your consumers

Positional Marketing:  Encompassing the 4 vital factors to create TOMA and establish you as the BRAND


We engage the best from each category of advertising, marketing, public relations and positional marketing and created a long-term, forward-looking approach to strategic planning with the fundamental goal for you to acquire a sustainable competitive advantage. You will not find this anywhere else.



Don’t Sell. Educate! 

Don’t Sell Attorneys, Educate them!


Register to see it all at the seminar.