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Physicians Trained In The "Injury Model" To:
  • Reverse And Prevent Low Settlement Valuations In Injury Claims
  • Provide Independent Medical Validations (IMV) to Overcome Inept Independent Medical Examinations (IME)
  • Perform Impairment Ratings By Attending Physician - 1-3 Body Parts at Discharge
  • Prevent Claimant and Primary Care Provider Attacks
  • Utilize the proprietary Zeusclaim Injury Software to Counter Colossus
  • Collaborate with a 3rd party physician to share bright information to minimize insurance companies "Loss Probabilities."
Our physicians follow precedents and authorities set by judicial decisions and administrative legal findings & rulings to eliminate disputes, denials and undervaluations.

Do You Know Your Rights?

Unfortunately - most auto accident victims don't know their rights and the insurance companies don't want you to! Surprisingly, changes occur so rapidly and discretely that many lawyers and physicians today are blindsided and in the dark behind unscrupulous tactics used by insuarnce companies to lower settlement values. The information on this site will change that forever more.


Even if you were legitimatley, seriously hurt and it is objectified or even if you were rear ended at 50 miles an hour and have multiple levels of herniated discs and are really hurt, it has little to do with how you're going to be compensated UNLESS your doctor and attorney know and use the data that is contained within this website.

The intent is to educate and inform the injured party about they’re rights so they can Avoid Unfair, Unrealistically Low Settlement Offers.

NOTE: The information contained within this site is disturbing. The insurance companies don’t want you to know about it and many lawyers and doctors are unaware of it. The result is that unless you overcome these litigation obstacles and liability hurdles, you will receive a settlement offer up to 80% less! 

A Guide to Personal Injury Settlement Offers, Myths, Misconceptions and Secrets...This Site Has Been Created To Assist You To:


There are 10,720 individual aspects of a claimthat can be identified and communicated to the insurance industry during their process of evaluating claim values and settlements.

This information has remained virtually invisable to most attorneys and physicians until the creation of this website. Those who do not have and utilize this data, find themselves with offers that are either unfair or stalled, but certainly at the wrong end of a substantially lower case settlement value. 

There are two (2) main ‘Drivers’ of an evaluation made by an insurance company to generate a claim determination. 

  1. Injuries. [Injuries are assessed by number and type].
  2. Impairment. [Classified by disability factors manifested by the impairment].  

Pain & Suffering is a sub category and is a summation and composite of #1 and #2 above.  

The factors above are the specific definition of what most insurance companies can arrive at in determining the value of the claim.  

Insurance Companies NOW use 19 Value Drivers to determine settlement offers. Although they try to keep it secret, it is imperative that both the lawyer and doctor know about, use and represent the Value ‘Drivers’ in your case. 

When the doctor and attorney do not use correct terminology and format, broken down into Value Drivers and if these liability drivers are not addressed, there is up to a 20% reduction of settlement value. 

In addition to the Value 'Drivers, it is recommended that a Nine (9) Point Medical Position Evaluating Letter is submitted to assist in raising the settlement value. Make sure this is being done on your behalf.

The insurance company software programs determine the value of the settlement and if the ''Drivers' are not included in your representation, you lose the value.

The accumulation of the specific data we discussed above, when presented to the insurance company in the correct terminology & format, translates into SEVERITY POINTS in the insurance industry software interpretation, which then translates into dollars based on each insurer’s rate or formula. 

Colossus is a software program used to guide settlement values for bodily injury claims after automobile accidents.


New York State Insurance Superintendent James J. Wrynn announced. 

NEWS RELEASE 10/18/2010        
New York State Insurance Department…The agreement follows an 18-month targeted National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) multi-state market conduct examination of Allstate’s claims handling practices.

The NAIC examination, for which New York was one of the lead states, focused primarily on Allstate’s use of claims handling software, particularly the software program, Colossus.

The examination found inconsistencies in Allstate’s management and oversight of the Colossus software program. In particular, the examination found that Allstate had failed to modify or “tune” the software in a uniform and consistent manner across its claims handling regions.

Insurance Company Software Lowers Settlement Values…       
What you can do to offset unfair, unrealistic offers!

With the exception of one company, all insurance companies have adopted computer software which they now rely upon to perform 2 functions;

  1. The first software function determines whether they are willing to accept and pay for the duration, type and frequency of medical treatments. 
  2. The second software function adopted by the insurance industry actually inputs the results of the first software program and then evaluates the claim for settlement purposes.

The combined software evaluation then translates into settlement authority.

If the attorney or physician do not incorporate these factors, the ‘windows’ of the software do not open and you lose the compensation for these factors associated with these injuries and factors. 

This process is so detailed & complex that the public must rely upon those doctors and attorneys that are educated in this environment. To do otherwise would give back large portions of the settlement to the insurance industry & leave large amounts of dollars that were already determined to be paid in the settlement.

In The News

Attorneys and Doctors Unite Nationwide To Stand Up For Your Rights

Insurance companies now use specially designed software to evaluate accident claims and prompt them towards lower settlement values...considered an UNFAIR PRACTICE, a court case against the use of this software and manner of prejudicing claims was filed and won. 

There is a group of consumer advoctate lawyers and physicians listed in the directory on this web site who have come together to gain kowledge in this environment to overcome these unfair insurance company practices.

This Accident Works of America consumer site advises you to seek-out and question medical-legal advocates of their knowledge for assistance if you have been in an accident. The goal is to obtain the fairest settlement value and reduce an unfair, low, unrealistic settlement evaluation.

"Injury Severity Points", "Decision Points" and "Value Drivers"... are only three aspects of an injury claim that unless are knwon and represented by your doctor and attorney, can significantly lower your settlement value.

Sometimes, even doctors and lawyers don't have all the information the insurance companies attempt to withold including; If you are one of the estimated 80 million Americans who have been in an accident, it is common to have symptoms that number into the double digits. Standard insurance reporting forms only allow input for four (4) diagnoses. A special Supplemental HCFA Diagnosis Form has been designed to represent all the symptoms, but not all providers know about or utilize the supplemental form. Failure to use the supplemental HCFA form can reduce your settlement value substantially. Symptoms that should be recorded may include pain as; headache; jaw pain; neck pain; shoulder; arm; wrist; back; leg pain...but it may also include stiffness; loss of energy; irritability; anxiety; difficulty concentrating; sleep disturbance; nervousness; or weakness...all which need to be recorded, just to name a few.


What Is Whiplash?

Neck PainThe Use Of The Word "Whiplash" Is An Outdated Term and should no longer be used to describe injury to the soft tissue structures of the neck. Ironically, in the advent of the Insurance Companies "Claims Evaluation Software"; the "Treatment Acceptance & Payment Software; and the "Claims, Practice & Procedure Protocol" that insurance companies now use - the words 'whiplash' and 'soft tissue' actually lower your settlement value. Many doctors and attorneys have not been made aware of this data. The insurance companies place higher value on other diagnoses and prognoses and there is a settlement difference between a 'soft tissue' VS a ''connective tissue' injury as well as between ligament scar and muscle atrophy causing weakness to the muscles and ligaments of the neck and back. The diagnosis is determined by the history of accident; mechanism of injury; symptoms; and physical findings on examination.

Read More >> is our on line Consumer Guide to Personal Injury Settlement Values, Myths, Misconceptions and Secrets...


By Knowing and Using the;

  • Treatment Acceptance & Payment Software type used by your insurance company and the
  • Claims, Practice & Procedure Protocol used by your insurance company

By knowing and submitting the correct forms as;

  • Supplemental HCFA form
  • Duties Under Duress form
  • Loss Of Enjoyment form

By knowing and Representing all the components to evaluate the claim as;

  • Value Drivers
  • Liability Drivers
  • Medical Position Validating Letter

...And often times simply stating what is medically evident or factual in the correct terminology and format - will be the significant difference in that claim receiving full payment for medical treatment received and a valued difference of a claim being worth 4 or 5 times what is being offered. 

Protect yourself by contacting a physician and attorney who have taken their time to gain the knowledge of these procedures to best represent you and arrive at the highest settlement value. 

You can find a Collossus knowledgeable attorney and physician on the website under the "Physicians Directory" section.

You may be entitled to be examined and treated by a physician after an accident. You may be entitled to be represented by an attorney. Auto insurance will pay for medical expenses under most conditions.

Physicians should operate modern, efficient business offices and will verify your coverage before treating you and assist you in filling out any insurance claim forms. You are entitled to undergo any necessary medical care to return you to pre-injury status and until you reach physiological recovery from any injuries.

Attorneys should conduct their fact-finding and use this knowledge to offset any unfair insurance practices and help you to make any important decisions as quickly as possible.

If you have been in an accident, do not forego your rights to be examined by a doctor and consult with an attorney trained in these procedures to fight for your rights. Exercise your rights; you have insurance for this purpose. If any care is indicated, it is easier and more time - and cost - effective to handle any necessary treatment before the condition can progress. If legal representation is necessary, it is prudent to preserve the facts and evidence as soon after the accident as possible. Act now.